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The need to connect, to be a part of a group or a community is an innate trait within us. For some this can be challenging and not always the most productive, for others it can be a fun and invigorating activity. We are different to one another, and in those differences we each bring something unique to the table. Art forms of artists might be different, but what binds them together is their mutual love for art. Therefore, socializing and catching up with other artists is an utter necessity if you're one yourself. There are many reasons on how to and why building this connection is important, let's look at a few through this article.

Social media platforms are incredible multi- faceted tools all artists can utilize. Look for artists, locally or internationally who are experimenting on new work and those who have a good following, connect with them proactively. Using your platform and participating in genuine positive engagement will give all of you a boost of confidence. Remember, avoid seeking for validation from these groups, instead be genuinely interested in everyone's progress and offer help and constructive criticism where needed. Be a catalyst for change in the community. As humans, we all need reassurance, for example, poets, who used to hesitate to read out can feel reassured about their work with the right motivation from others. As a painter or a creator, it is important to be appreciated. It is only through this connection that you will find the courage to truly be who you are.

Moving forward, we shift from the internet and social media into the physical world. When you meet someone in person, you will really understand the artist and their art. It's always easy to derive inspiration from people who are like-minded. Look to connect with others and not instinctively to sell your work. Focus on forming a genuine connection with people. Ask questions about who they are, what they do, their interests etc. We all need that connection where we realize we can relate to others. Build on this and move forward. Networking with other artists will give you a substantial boost. You will be able to see how other artists promote their work and get tips on how to do the same yourself. You may also meet influential artists from whom you can benefit greatly.

Artists have a unique way to constantly see things from a different perspective. It is this single reason why artists are capable of making people think differently. When you interact with one or more of these individuals, it is bound to bring new perspective. For example, an actor is able to understand the role of a guitarist by being around musicians, it will give him a better perspective.

An artist is able to understand another artist. A photographer can understand the struggle of another. Being a part of a group of people who understand your needs, who inspire you and those who empathize with you is very rewarding. You form deeper connections with them. This also paves the way to have creative collaborations with others. It is one of the best ways to grow creatively and socially. Collaborating with others helps you gain and grow your reach. In addition, the collaboration between artists is bound to produce something magical.

We now see that making the right connections with the correct people will indeed boost your career as well as influence your personal growth as an artist. Networking with other artists will not only help you build your own art community but help convey your thoughts to a greater audience both locally and internationally.