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Small Business Awards by Corporate Vision magazine was often regarded as bringing unmatched levels of innovation and growth to local economies, small businesses remain integral economic prosperity, and continue to prove that bigger doesn't always mean better when it comes to the task of providing customers and clients with outstanding services.

This year, it gives us great pleasure to advise that has been presented with the award of:

Best Online Arts and Culture Gallery / Marketplace 2022 - Canada.

Over the past few years, businesses owners and employees have faced many challenges that have posed threats to both personal and professional livelihoods, and for smaller business in particular, the strain of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt even more acutely. Despite the difficulties posed, many small businesses continue to thrive and have even adapted their practice to benefit the unique needs of each customer in the aftermath of the global pandemic.

Corporate Vision is therefore proud to host the Small Business Awards 2022 for their 7th consecutive year and commend the leaders, innovators, and best performers within the small business landscape.

Each nominee within the Small Business Awards were assessed and judged purely on merit and excellence; this approach enables us to ensure that only the most deserving and dedicated are acknowledged.

The Corporate Vision team gathered information independently from a variety of publicly accessible sources which are assessed alongside any material supplied by a nominating party or the nominee themselves. Final judgement was cast based on various criteria, including business performance, longevity, business growth, significant innovations, and client feedback.

Those who are successful within the Small Business Awards 2022 will be provided with optional materials to help demonstrate their success to customers, clients, and peers. We will offer a variety of promotional items and industry-leading services to enhance the impetus of any success whilst also assisting with the displaying of the victor's acumen and strengths.